100 Mental Health Journal Prompts: A Collection of Insightful and Thought Provoking Questions

Mental Health Journal Prompts

A mental health journal is a great way to track your moods, progress and triggers. Here are some mental health journal prompts to help you to get started. There is also a handy pdf available.


Every day, people face challenges that can affect their mental health. These challenges can come from life events, relationships, or everyday occurrences. It is important to have a way to express the emotions that stem from these challenges and get support from others.

Mental health journals can be used as a way to document and express emotions, thoughts, and feelings.


How do We Define Mental Health?

Mental health is a state of well-being in which you can realize your own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and are able to make a contribution to your community.

Mental health includes your emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how you think, feel, and behave. It also helps determine how you handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through to adulthood.

People often think of mental health in terms of mental illness. But mental health is more than just the absence of mental illness. Mental health is about being able to live a fulfilling life despite problems like depression or anxiety.

One way to think about mental health is by considering what contributes to good mental health and wellbeing. This includes things like having positive relationships, feeling good about yourself, being able to achieve goals, feeling safe and secure, and being part of a supportive community. Mental health is also closely linked with physical health and wellbeing, so factors like getting regular exercise and eating a balanced diet are important too.

There is no question that mental health is important. After all, it’s hard to think of anything more important than our mental well-being. But why is it so important? What are the effects of poor mental health?

When your mental health is good, you feel happy and content. You are able to handle stress and setbacks without letting them bother you for long. You are able to engage in meaningful relationships and enjoy life.

If your mental health is poor, however, things are very different. You may feel anxious or depressed most of the time. You may be unable to concentrate or make decisions. You may have trouble sleeping or eating properly.

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Possible Causes and Symptoms of Mental Health Problems

Mental health problems are very common, but their causes are still not well understood. Some of the factors that may contribute to mental health problems include:

1. Genetics – Mental health problems may be passed down from generation to generation.

2. Biological factors – Certain chemicals in the brain may be responsible for mental health problems.

3. Environmental factors – Traumatic life experiences, such as abuse or neglect, can contribute to mental health problems.

4. Social factors – The way a person is treated by others, especially during childhood, can have an impact on mental health.


People often think of mental health problems as being invisible. This is because, unlike a physical injury, most mental health problems don’t have obvious symptoms that everyone can see.

This means that people who are struggling with a mental health problem may feel like they’re the only ones going through it and that they can’t talk about it.

There are many different types of mental health problems, and each one can present differently. Some of the most common symptoms include feeling sad or down for long periods of time, feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, having trouble sleeping, changes in appetite, feeling isolated or alone, and using drugs or alcohol to cope.


If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to reach out for help. Although this article recommends journaling as a tool for helping with mental health problems it is not a substitute for advice and treatment from a health professional.


Mental Health Journal Prompts

How to Improve General Mental Health

There are many things that you can do to improve your mental health.

– Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness means being completely present in the moment and paying attention to what is happening around you. Practicing mindfulness can help people focus better and reduce anxiety and stress.

Eat a healthy diet. Eating nutritious foods helps the brain function properly and can boost moods. Eating junk food or processed foods can have negative effects on mental health.

– Exercise regularly. Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. Exercise can also help people sleep better and relieve stress.

– Spend time with friends and family members. Spending time socialising helps to reduce stress and makes people feel happier.

– Get enough sleep. Most adults need around 8 hours of sleep per night.

– Try relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation. These techniques help to calm the mind and body, which can lead to improved mental health.

– If you are struggling with more severe or persistent mental health issues, it is important to seek professional help.


100 Mental Health Journal Prompts


How Journaling can Help with Mental Health

Journaling is a great way to improve your mental health because it allows you to express your thoughts and feelings. When you write in a journal, you are able to get all of your thoughts and feelings out in the open. This can be helpful because it allows you to process them and move on.

Journaling can also be helpful because it provides an outlet for your emotions. When you are feeling stressed or frustrated, writing in a journal can help relieve those feelings.

Here are some benefits of keeping a daily journal.

– Journaling can help you work through your feelings. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or upset, writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you process them.

– It can help improve your mood. Writing in your journal can be a form of self care, and it can help you feel better mentally and emotionally.

– Journaling can boost your creativity. When you write in a journal, you’re free to be creative and express yourself in any way that you want. This can help inspire new ideas and solutions for problems.

– Journaling can help you become more aware of your own thoughts and feelings, which can lead to better self-awareness and understanding. When you understand yourself better, you can make healthier choices that support your mental health.

–  Additionally, journaling can be a helpful tool for managing stress and anxiety. Writing about stressful events or situations can help you process them and reduce their impact on your mental health. Additionally, simply writing down your thoughts and feelings can help to calm and relax you.

50 Journal Prompts for Anxiety to Calm Your Mind

Tips for Starting a Mental Health Journal

If you’re looking to improve your mental health, a great way to do so is by starting a mental health journal. This can help you track your progress, as well as identify any patterns in your thoughts or behaviour. Here are some tips for starting and maintaining a mental health journal.

– Choose a format that works for you. There are many different ways to keep a mental health journal, so find one that suits your preferences and personality. Some people prefer to write out their thoughts by hand in a journal or notebook, while others may prefer to use a digital format.

– Be honest and open with yourself. The purpose of a mental health journal is to help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, so be honest with yourself when recording them. Don’t censor yourself, this is an opportunity for self-reflection and growth.

– You can use your journal to document your progress and track your symptoms and your treatment plan.

– It’s important to find a method that works for you, and don’t be afraid to experiment until you find something that feels right.

– Be sure to keep your journal safe and private, so you can feel comfortable writing whatever you want without fear of judgement or reprisal.


100 Mental Health Journal Prompts



These mental health journal prompts will help you to start writing about your experiences. If it’s more convenient for you, get the PDF for $4 and save it on your device.

To Get The PDF Click Here


  • What are your thoughts and feelings about what is happening in your life right now?
  • What do you think might be contributing to your current mental health condition? What can you do about these things? Are some of them out of your control? Can you make a plan to deal with the things you can?
  • What makes you feel good? Write down a list of activities, foods, people, or places that make you feel happy and relaxed.
  • How do you feel about your past? Has anything from your past contributed to your mental health issues?
  • What are your triggers? Identify the situations, people, or things that tend to cause you stress or anxiety. Why do you think these things provoke a reaction in you?
  • What’s been on your mind lately? Is there anything you can’t stop worrying about? Write down anything that’s been on your mind in the past few days or weeks.
  • What are your goals for the upcoming week? Write down one or two goals for the week ahead, both personal and professional. How will you achieve these goals?
  • What coping mechanisms work best for you? Write a list of all of the things that help.
  • Is there anything you would like to try to help with your mental health? Why do you think this will help?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to managing your mental health?


  • What do you think you need to let go of?
  • If you could have one wish, what would it be and why?
  • Who do you admire most? Why? Write a list.
  • Has your mood changed since you started journaling?
  • How has your relationship with yourself changed since you started journaling?
  • What are some of your biggest accomplishments from the past year?
  • What have you learned about yourself in the past year? How has it helped you?
  • How have your thoughts or beliefs about yourself changed over time?
  • What are the biggest challenges you’re facing right now? How are you going to overcome them?
  • Are there any areas of your life in which you’d like to see more growth? Make a list and then jot down how you can improve those areas.


35 Journal Prompts for Sadness: Write, Reflect, and Heal


  • What are your thoughts on your mental health treatment plan? Do you think it could be improved? How would you like to improve it?
  • What progress have you made in the last month with your mental health?
  • What is one thing you’d like to change about your mental health and why?
  • What are some things that are causing you stress right now? How can you deal with these stressors?
  • What makes you feel happy or peaceful? Write a list of things that make you feel relaxed.
  • Are there any patterns in your moods or behaviours over time? If so, what do they suggest about your mental health?
  • What thoughts or feelings do you resist most when it comes to your mental health? Why do you think that is? What would happen if you stopped resisting those thoughts or feelings? How might that change things for you?
  • Are there any particular people or situations that tend to trigger your negative emotions? Why do you think that is?
  • How well did you sleep last night? How well do you usually sleep. Is there anything you can do to improve your sleep?
  • What are your goals for therapy or self care? Write out a list of self care activities you want to try?


100 Mental Health Journal Prompts


  • How do you feel about yourself right now?
  • What are makes you feel happy and content? Write about three things that always bring a smile to your face.
  • What are some of your favourite memories? Write about one specific memory that always brings a smile to your face. Why do you treasure that memory so much?
  • What do you love most about yourself? Write down three qualities that make you feel good about yourself.
  • Think of a recent situation that you found difficult. What were your thoughts and feelings about that situation?
  • How is your mental health affecting your daily life? Is it having a significant impact?
  • What helps you feel better when you are feeling down?
  • What makes you feel worse when you are feeling down?
  • Are there any areas of your life that you would like to change? What areas of you work or personal life do you need to improve?
  • What do you think causes your mental health issues? Is it something you can deal with now?

35 Journal Prompts for Loneliness and Self-Reflection

  • How do you deal with stress and anxiety? Are your methods effective or do you think you need to change them?
  • Write about a time when you were feeling down or upset. What was happening that made you feel that way? What did you do to try and make yourself feel better?
  • What challenges have you faced in your work or personal life related to mental health?
  • What has been your experience of seeking help for mental health issues? Did you find it easy or were there obstacles in your way?
  • What stigma or discrimination have you experienced related to your mental health? How did you deal with this?
  • How has your understanding of mental health changed over time?
  • What have you learned about yourself as a result of your mental health journey?
  • Who has been most supportive of you throughout this process? Why are they important to you?
  • What would you tell someone who is just starting their own mental health journey? Do you have an advice you want to give them?
  • When was the last time you felt truly happy? Why were you happy?

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  • What has been going well for you lately?
  • What are some things that you are grateful for? Write a list of 10 things you are thankful for.
  • What was your favourite thing that you did today?
  • What have been the best moments of your week so far?
  • Who were you kind to today? How did that make you feel?
  • How can you make someone else’s day better today?
  • Did anything unexpected happen today? Was it a good surprise? How did it make you feel?
  • How much time do you spend on productive activities vs unproductive activities? Do you have problems with productivity? How can you deal with them?
  • What are your thoughts on self care? What do you think is important when it comes to taking care of yourself mentally and emotionally?
  • How can you make self-care a priority today?

70 Therapeutic Journaling Prompts for Depression

  • What bad habit do you want to break and how are you going to go about it?
  • What good habits do you want to start and why?
  • What three habits you want to change or improve?
  • What is your motivation for wanting to change these habits?
  • How will you track your progress while you work on changing your habits?
  • Are there any obstacles that could prevent you from changing your habits? How can you overcome these obstacles?
  • What are your expectations for changing your habits?
  • How will you celebrate small victories along the way? What are you going to do to reward yourself?
  • What will you do if you slip up and break your habit?
  • Who else is involved in this process with you? Do you have an accountability buddy?


  • What are your top 5 triggers for your mental health symptoms?
  • When do your symptoms usually occur? Is there a pattern to them?
  • What are some things that you do that help me to cope with your mental health symptoms? Have you tried anything new recently?
  • What are some positive aspects of your life?
  • What do you have difficulty tolerating or dealing with? How can you work on this?
  • In what ways do you feel confident or capable? Do you struggle with your confidence? What can you do about this?
  • Talk about a time when you struggled with your mental health. What was going on for you at the time? How did you cope or deal with it? Who did you talk to about it?
  • What makes you laugh? What and who do you find funny?
  • What do you like to do for fun? Write down a list of activities that bring you joy and make you happy.
  • What would you do if you had all the time in the world?


Mental Health Journal Prompts


  • What makes you sad? How do you cope with sadness? Do you cry often? When was the last time you cried?
  • What makes you feel angry and why?
  • Share a moment in your life when you felt like giving up but didn’t.
  • What does it mean to you to be mentally healthy?
  • What makes you feel frustrated and why?
  • What is your perfect day? What would you do? Where would you go? Who would you spend time with?
  • What does it mean to you to be a good friend? How important are your friends? What do they mean to you?
  • How do you feel about the future? Are you optimistic about it? Do you have any plans?
  • Would you like to travel? Where in the world would you like to go?
  • Do you think your mental health problems stop you from doing anything that you really want to do?


  • What is the most difficult emotion you have experienced in the past week?
  • Why do you think it is so difficult to talk about mental health? What can be done to make it easier?
  • How has your mental health changed over the past year? Has it improved?
  • What is your definition of happiness?
  • What is the best advice you have ever received?
  • How do people in your life react when they hear about the issues that you face?
  • What is something you once loved doing but don’t do as much anymore? Why?
  • What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
  • What is your definition of love?
  • What new insights have you gained about yourself recently?

To Get The PDF Click Here

Writing in a mental health journal can be a helpful way to process your thoughts and feelings, work through tough emotions, and track your progress over time.

If you are considering starting a journal, these mental health journal prompts can give you some ideas for what to write about. So go ahead and give it a try. You may be surprised at how therapeutic it can be.


100 Mental Health Journal Prompts: A Collection of Insightful and Thought Provoking Questions

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